Sunday, May 10, 2009

Summer Nights and EGMs

Let’s see, Tuesday was the Writer’s end of year party. Rob won the competition we voted for, and also the award decided by Rodge Glass, and Stewart won the award for the member who had improved the most over the year. We ended up in the union an eventually went for some karaoke. I sang “Eye of the Tiger” with the guys, and then the whole group sang the “dirty version” of Summer Nights from Grease.

Thursday was the EGM at the union. Recently, it’s come out that the new Principal of the uni wants to close the union and get rid of a lot of courses, and the EGM was called to address this. It was actually exciting for the most part, with some really good speeches by some of the students. Just wish I hadn’t had to sit in such an uncomfortable position for the whole two hours. Afterwards, we went to the Ark for dinner as we always do on a Thursday, and had a good time there.

On Friday, we had a protest about the above closures, which meant we all stood in the wind and rain for about two hours waiting for the court and principle to come out from a meeting, only to find out unsurprisingly that he had exited out a back door somewhere. So, went to the Ark again and ran into some of the Writers for a drink before I went home.

Next week should be good too, looking forward to that.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Been a really good week this week. Tuesdays saw the Writers’ AGM, where I was re-elected as Web Master (Well, technically, I won by default as no one else ran), and a new position was created, Moderator, which is now taken by Euan, meaning I finally have someone working under me, mwahahahaha! After the meeting, we went to Aaron’s 21st (A friend of Emma and Jenna that I’ve met a few times). It was a really good night, with a lot of embarrassing dancing on my part.

Burger Thursday had a really good turnout, with nearly all the Writers showing up. Eventually, it was just me, Andy, Pete and Hazel left and Hazel challenged us to a “yawning competition” where the last to yawn was the winner. Thankfully I wasn’t that tired, and so I won. :)

On Friday, I went to the union with Rebecca, and played more games of pool in the one night than all the other times in my life put together, and managed to increase my umber of lifetime wins from 1 to a grand total of 4. We were meant to see Matt Horne doing a DJ set, and we waited in the Barony for ages for him to come on. Eventually, I went to the bar, and found out it had been cancelled, and I hadn’t known about it, so we decided he now owes us £1 each for the cost of putting our stuff in the cloakroom. Still, can’t complain overall, it was still a great night.

Today, I went to Cara’s mini-gathering in Glasgow. Nearly everyone from two weeks ago turned up, and we spent the day in the St Enoch Centre, Glasgow Green and then Starbucks, so it all turned out really well. Also, decided to do VEDM (Vlog Every Day in May), so hopefully should have a new video on my YouTube account each day this month.

Next week, it’s the Writers end of year party, where we all have to wear “quirky” outfits, so I’m planning on wearing a Hawaiian shirt, although I might change my mind, so that should be fun.