Sunday, April 26, 2009

Finally, a relaxing weekend

So, this week’s been a bit quieter than usual, though I’ve been glad of the rest to be honest.

Ended up in Blythswood Square on Monday with some of the Writers for a bit since it was a nice day, and then had the usual meeting on Tuesday. Brought in my story about a drunk hologram, and enjoyed Rebecca’s long-awaited story about the teleporter, even though it had a really sad ending. :(

Went to Edinburgh on Wednesday, hoping to meet up with a friend I had met at the Manchester gathering, but unfortunately by the time I was able to get there she had already left, but I was also meeting up with Cara and Elizabeth, so it all worked out in the end. They continued with there obsession with feeding me, and I had vegetables with Dough Balls, something I’ll have to try making myself. We also went to see “In the Loop”, a really funny political comedy that I’d recommend.

Burger Thursday saw a rare appearance by its founder, Rob, and the Ark had a new menu, including a bean casserole thing that I had. The night consisted of the usual conversations and Hazel drawing sketches of her on increasingly bizarre adventures.

Friday was my Grandad’s 81st birthday, so we went out for a meal in the early evening. The rest of the weekend hasn’t been that eventful, and this is the first Saturday for ages where I haven’t been out, which has given me a chance to relax.

Going out to a party of some sort after Writers on Tuesday as far as I know, so that should be good. Other than that, just waiting to see what happens.


Fire Bear said...

Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want me to change the ending?

Nah, I'm just giving you false hope, cause right at this moment, I am bored.

Also, what drunk hologram? That sounds a) interesting and b) hilarious!

cookiemad said...

No, don't change it, I liked the ending, sometimes a sad ending fits a story really well, like that one.

Yeah, sorry, I was in the other group so you didn't get a chance to read it, but I can bring it in on Tuesday if you want?