Saturday, April 18, 2009

Here Comes The Noise

So, spent most of last weekend at Hazel’s flat. First up was her “new 18th”. The plan had been to spend the afternoon at her’s and then all go out to a bar or club, but as I suspected we ended up staying there for the entire day. We played Guitar Hero and then our own version of Ring of Fire/Circle of Death, which ended up with the rule of having to end every sentence with “in my pants”, and taking a drink if you didn’t, and then not being allowed to say anyone’s first name or point at anyone. Needless to say, I ended up having to drink a few times.

Then we moved on to Tekken, and spent most of the time fighting with the now legendary Doctor B. Finally, we watched “Hero”, and Stewart and Euan did one of their trademark dubbings of the film, before Stewart revealed at the end that he actually knew the real plot of the film all along while emphasising his hatred for someone named “Turnip Head”. I also invented a new animal, the sporse (spider/horse).

On Easter Monday we were back for the second movie day, consisting of Evolution, which was already a film I really liked, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which was hilariously strange, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Pulp Fiction, one of my all-time favourite films, Blues Brothers, with one of the best endings to a film ever, both Kill Bills, the first one I really liked but the second went on for too long. We finished with Doomsday, laughing once again at how ridiculously wrong they got the layout of Glasgow.

By this point, it was 5am, so we all fell asleep where we there. When I woke up at about 10, I found that only me, Rebecca and Hazel were left, and that everyone else had managed to escape without being noticed during the night. I went home for a shower, and then headed back in for Writers’. Once again, we read out some of the comedy pieces, both consisting of most of us trying to kill Tom.

Burger Thursday had a bigger turnout than I had expected, and we spent most of that night translating Norse phrases that Hazel wrote on a napkin, and then trying to solve riddles.

So, tomorrow is the Doctor Who gathering. Both excited and nervous about it, but hopefully it’ll go well, and get a good turnout. Will blog soon again!


Anonymous said...

Dave! Your blog is KING!

Fire Bear said...

Ooh! Did you do this one:

"What breaks but never falls, and what falls but never breaks?" Two different things...