Sunday, April 19, 2009

What can you do in the bath with a sonic screwdriver?

Well, today was the Doctor Who YouTube gathering, and I’m pleased to say it went really well. :) Was really expecting something to go disartirasly wrong, but everyone seemed to have a really good time.

I decided to break with the tradition of the host always turning up late and showed up around ten to noon. It wasn’t long before John arrived guiding some of the new arrivals to George Square at almost the exact moment that Cara showed up. We waited around for a bit, and then spotted a red-haired girl coming towards the square that we assumed had to be Fiona. Cara immediately ran towards her for a death-hug, but discovered as she got nearer that it wasn’t in fact Fiona, and she ended up running right past in an attempt to hide the mistake and ran back to the group. As it turned out, the girl, and her twin-brother, were in fact YouTubers who were here for the gathering.

After playing a game called “Icebreaker” meeting up with a few others in St Enoch food court, we got the subway to Kelvingrove, and those of us with tickets headed into the Doctor Who exhibition. It was much bigger and better than the one I had previously seen in Cardiff, and we ended up walking around several times to see everything. There was the Dalek you could control and speak into, another two Daleks that would attempt to exterminate you, along with other characters from the past four years of the show.

After we had been through and all bought sonic screwdrivers, we got some food and went to the Botanic Gardens, and sat in the sun for a few hours while playing Icebreaker again and some people played tig/tag. After going back to the city centre we thought about going to the cinema, but settled on Starbucks instead, giving us all a chance to talk and get to know each other a little better.

Once we left at closing time, most people were leaving for home, and we said our goodbyes, after an encounter with a very drunk Tina.

All in all, it was a fantastic day, particularly as about half the gathering were new people who hadn’t been before, and so it gave us all a chance to make some new friends.

1 comment:

Fire Bear said...

But what CAN you do with a sonic screwdriver in the bath?! :P