Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Return of the Blog

So, unsurprisingly, I’ve neglected this blog for several months, and have just discovered that I’m about the only person in the Writers’ Society who doesn’t have one, so I’ve decided to try and keep this up-to-date since there might be a few people reading it. Whether I’ll actually manage this or not remains to be seen.

The last few months have been really busy. Between making various trips to Edinburgh, going to a gathering in Manchester at the end of February, and loads of cinema trips to see everything from “Slumdog Millionaire” (One of my favourite films ever) to “Lesbian Vampire Killers” (Surprisingly good), it’s been an interesting year so far.

This week in particular is going to be busy. Got Hazel’s “new 18th” tomorrow, and then a movie day at her flat on Monday, with both Pulp Fiction and Doomsday (What more could you possibly want), and then the Doctor Who gathering I’m organising a week tomorrow. Really looking forward to it.

Anyway, will try to post to this regularly now, and may use this blog also to post a few stories from Writers’ here.

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